"Shortfall (Family Edition)" was selected as a finalist in Broad River Review's 2024 Ron Rash Awards for Poetry. The poem will appear in a future issue.

"From Away" will be included in an upcoming issue of Main Street Rag. The poem is about adapting to life in a new place.

A video of my poem "The Color of It" that's in included in the anthology From Pandemic to Protest, released fall 2021 from The Poetry Box.

My stars invisible,

but aligned. Afloat.

In space. Denizen of the sensate, nothing


—from “'Preview of

Post-mortem" at Amethyst Review.

- Above: delightful cover art by Sarah Walko, from Pedestal Magazine issue 93, featuring my review of Joan Barasovska's Orange Tulips.

- Amethyst Review includes my poem "Preview of Post-mortem."


- The recently released anthology The Power of the Feminine I, vol. 1, edited by Chris Cooper and Donna Biffar (must've been quite the job, since it's over 390 pages) includes my persona poem about pioneering photographer Bayard Wootten  in the "Creators" section.

- Twelve Mile Review includes "Taking Stock," a persona poem.

Garlic Scape, Maine


Maple Lollipop, Cumberland County Fair, Maine

Sunrise, Acadia National Park, Maine

News  see also: News Archive

Sunrise, Bar Harbor, Maine

​​​Quotations for writers

    “Our vocation, the writer’s life, allows us to believe that we are always at the beginning of things, since each new story we write, each new novel, each new sentence, for that matter, turns us once again into novices, freshmen, lone travelers in uncharted lands, debutantes—eternally new at this, eternally attempting to tell a story that’s never been told before.
      Not a bad thing. Really."

—Alice McDermott

See more at

Quotations for Writers


- Above: delightful cover art by Sarah Walko, from Pedestal Magazine issue 93, featuring my review of Joan Barasovska's Orange Tulips.

Cormorants at Kettle Cove, Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Jeanne Julian

Poetry.  Photography.

. Two of my poems are among over 80 works of photography, illustration, poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction in this new anthology edited by Rhonda Rosenheck.The watercolor cover art was painted by children’s book illustrator Anne Catharine Blake. Rhonda presents the work in six clusters: Noticing, Accepting, Wrestling, Opening, Entwining, and Exuberance. It's about "people choosing life, reframing challenges, wrestling personal demons, and celebrating blessings," the editor says. Order from Exsolutas Press.